The Landing

Cute story about The Landing

Had new Dragonflies visit The Landing today (The Landing is our patient/family space)… Within seconds, the little boy found our “Giving Tree,” where kids can pick toys and books* (see footnote) without any parental intervention. With a big grin, he said, “Can I see your trains?” I said, “Wow, this is great, he already knows we have tons of trains!” …

Dit It For Dragonfly Shirts

Our Dragonflies Inspire Our Volunteers

Our running team captain, Heather Forte, is one amazing lady!! Read this note we got from her!!!! “WEEEELLLLL, I ran the 4 way challenge, so I raced both Saturday and Sunday. The first race Saturday (10k), I managed to find a hole at the finish line and put my foot in it. I twisted my ankle, busted open my knee …


FROM A DRAGONFLY CAREGIVER: “Our family just wanted to take a mintue to say Thank You for always being here for the last 3 years. You have seen our family in our darkest times come out into ray of sunshine all because of you. It is a blessing to be out of that dark, cold and lonely box our family …

Stories & Quotes

“I plan on having a dragonfly tattoo. My son walked through hell fire and at what seemed the darkest moments Dragonflies came to the rescue.” “May God bless you the way you bless all the families of kids with cancer! You are like the best friend none of us ever had.” “My daughter just had her daughter at Cincinnati Children’s …

“I promise I will be an advocate for the rest of my days.”

I gave a tour of the Landing yesterday to reps from a company we are working with… It wasn’t until the middle of the tour when one of the gentlemen mentioned that a relative of his was going through cancer. He briefly made some comments to give context to the young man: “veteran,” “beautiful family,” “adorable little girls”…. I knew …

“With you all and what you have done…”

From a Dragonfly Dad: “With all of the things that I have been through with all of my kids, the way that the Dragonfly foundation… the way that you were there for me did more for me than you can imagine. All of my life of parenting I have felt alone in the battles… I have done everything in my …