The Landing

Cute story about The Landing

Had new Dragonflies visit The Landing today (The Landing is our patient/family space)… Within seconds, the little boy found our “Giving Tree,” where kids can pick toys and books* (see footnote) without any parental intervention. With a big grin, he said, “Can I see your trains?” I said, “Wow, this is great, he already knows we have tons of trains!” His mom said, “He didn’t.” So we walked over to our huge Thomas the Train collection. Needless to say, he went right to work! While he was playing I told the mom about The Landing and how we will not interact with them unless they need/want something, or want us to play with her son (to give them space, time to just breathe and to not make them feel like they need to make conversation or that we are directing their activities while visiting The Landing) — UNLESS she or her son asked or invited the interaction. She immediately smiled in gratitude as her son excitedly said, “THEY WILL PLAY WITH MEEEE!??!!!!!

Love the reactions our families have to The Landing!!!! Just love it!!

See what we are up to with our Landing 3.0 Campaign at

Footnote: Due to infection control and bedbugs, we do not accept book donations unless they come directly from an online retailer or distributor.