Sad Face

Cancer Kids Are Not Monsters

From a Dragonfly Mom (reprinted with permission): “Have just had my heart ripped out of my chest and torn into sheds when a group of children just treated my cancer child like a monster and ran away from him up the stairs leaving him all alone in the playroom and when my son came to me crying for a friend …

I Am Still Me Shirts

Another reason we have our I Am Still Me Program

Facebook post (reprinted with permission) from a Dragonfly mom: “So, kyli wanted to go to the mall today to buy herself some running shoes. As we’re walking around, the mall is nearly deserted at 1:30 in the afternoon. Of the few people we saw, nearly all of them gave us a half-smile and looked away when we made eye contact …


Jonah shares his journey through poetry

Jonah created this personal narrative poem about his cancer experience. His mom sent this to “everyone who touched Jonah in some way through out his journey so far.” The Dragonfly Foundation brings comfort and joy to kids and young adults enduring cancer and bone marrow transplants. In addition to our 12 programs, we fund the Beads of Courage(tm) program for …

A 7th Grader Wrote This… Even He Gets It!

Reprinted from a letter we received from a 7th grader at Nagle Middle School in Cincinnati, OH. (We immediately called the principal and the teacher — wish we could have called his parents, too — to thank them for giving the student the environment that helped him create such a letter.) Dear Christine and Ria, I am a seventh grader …

Notes, Thanks, & Stories from our Patients/Families

Summary: A thank you note to CBTS/Dragonfly/Reds for the day at the Great American Ball Park (The author of the note, a Dragonfly mom, also describes what it is like to have a child with cancer.) Family forgoes Christmas gifts and instead makes donation to The Dragonfly Foundation A patient says that “You Are The Best Medicine” It’s amazing what …