Dragonfly Foundation offers meaningful relationships to transcend cancer’s isolation

Written by Brittany York Soapbox Cincinnati http://www.soapboxmedia.com/features/042616-Dragonfly-TITLE-fundraiser-cancer-families.aspx Imagine for a moment you’re happily married. You and your significant other are gainfully employed as a veterinarian and an au pair/event planner. You recently purchased your first home, where you’ve lived for the past month, and you’re eager to build a family around your new baby boy. Life is normal. Life is …

Meant to be…

This evening, a Dragonfly Mom posted a note to us on our private Facebook page (for our Dragonfly families). (The family recently moved out of state to be closer to their parents.) In addition to managing the challenges of cancer, moving presented a whole new set of stresses. Yet, Dragonfly was able to make a difference, even there… “Dragonflies are everywhere! We went to meet R’s new …

Choose To Uplift

In the best of times, comments and judgements can be hurtful… Imagine being this Dragonfly mom… (Reprinted with permission; original post was made to our Private Dragonfly Family Facebook page.) “I absolutely have to vent… I’m not looking for sympathy or judgment on the person, just need to get it off of my chest. I was just in the 5 …


“…this is really something special”

Note received from a Dragonfly Mom (Reprinted with permission): “My 19 year old son became a dragonfly in December. He was diagnosed in 2010 with a stage 3 brain tumor. We came to Cincinnati after the Indianapolis hospital had exhausted all treatment options for him. Cincinnati is close enough to his college for him to undergo the clinical trial and …

Precious are “normal family moments”

A Dragonfly Mom posted a video on her private Facebook page and tagged us on it. (The following post and the image are reprinted with permission.) “(Dragonfly) not sure if you had seen this, but here you can see the excitement on her face and hear the excitement in her voice!!! This is what The Dragonfly Foundation is all about!! …

We provide “light”

We lost a Dragonfly sibling this week (from something unrelated to cancer). Her mom sent us this note: “We walked into the hospital today to fill some prescriptions for T. I couldn’t handle walking past the tower (of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital) where PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) is, so we came in at the far entrance. T asked to park …

Didn’t shed a single tear

Posted yesterday by a Dragonfly Mom whose daughter is doing a Dragonfly event tonight: “R didn’t shed a single tear going to sleep with anesthesia today. She had said this morning that she was going to be brave today. When we were in recovery, the anesthesiologist came by to check on her and he kept saying that he was so …

Emotional Isolation

“We are dealing with the lives and suffering of our children. Most people have not had to witness that with a child. Cancer is hard enough with adults but when you see little helpless eyes looking up at you with complete trust while you hold them down to get an IV, it’s something very few people understand. They don’t understand …

They are not just shirts…

One of our Dragonfly mommies, did this with the Dragonfly t-shirts her daughter had outgrown… Made our hearts soar! 1) She considers our shirts keepsakes 2) Her daughter will continue to find comfort from them 3) She purposefully found a place to make these bears for her daughter. **Note: After we posted this on our public Facebook page, the same …