The Landing

Love this Review of The Landing!

From a Dragonfly Dad: “Wow! Just visited Dragonfly’s headquarters for the first time. You talk about an awesome place for the dragonflies to go and escape for a while. Felt so welcomed!!!! What a great thing you are doing…!” For more information about The Landing, click here.

If a city like LA doesn’t have a Dragonfly….

From a Dragonfly Mom: “I want to thank you so much for adding our family to the Dragonfly Foundation. We feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing Organization. We were living in Los Angeles for 3 years and the children’s hospital never connected us with any organizations such as yours. We came to Cincinnati and felt embraced …

Cincinnati Reds / GABP Baby Runs The Bases

When A Photo Is A Mission Statement

We host an average of 5 events a week for our Dragonfly families, in addition to our programs and The Landing… Recently, thanks to CBTS, Cincinnati Bell and Cincinnati Reds (Thank you!!!), we had another opportunity for 40 of our Dragonflies to play baseball on the field of the The Great American Ball Park. They had the full major league …

The Landing

Cute story about The Landing

Had new Dragonflies visit The Landing today (The Landing is our patient/family space)… Within seconds, the little boy found our “Giving Tree,” where kids can pick toys and books* (see footnote) without any parental intervention. With a big grin, he said, “Can I see your trains?” I said, “Wow, this is great, he already knows we have tons of trains!” …

Gift Box

Little gifts = Big Smiles

We deliver gifts to the hospitals almost daily during the week… From a Dragonfly mom: “Thank you Dragonfly Foundation! We have had a rough few weeks and a surprise was just dropped off for us at the hospital! Thank you for brightening my Dragonfly’s day!” And another: “A dragonfly landed on our stressed out family today! Thank you so much!”

Dit It For Dragonfly Shirts

Is Team Dragonfly’s WINGS program for you?

If you can answer “yes” to ANY of the following questions, this opportunity may be perfect for you!
 •    Are you willing to share information about Dragonfly, even for informational purposes? •    Are you comfortable asking people to help us purchase urgently needed patient/hospital gifts? •    Are you willing to ask friends, family and associates to share your personal web …