Infant Dragonfly

And they haven’t even gotten to know us yet…

We registered a really little Dragonfly today. Her mommy told us that her baby’s “favorite thing”was the Dragonfly bracelet that came in our New Diagnosis/Extended Stay Care Package. She said, “she will not let go of it.” (You can also see it in the picture she sent). She is reason #1,930 why we are so grateful for the community’s support.


“As a mother of a young cancer patient, I cannot begin to explain the horror and feelings of helplessness…”

From a Dragonfly mom: “As a mother of a young cancer patient, I cannot begin to explain the horror and feelings of helplessness while watching your precious child go through the pain  and anguish of cancer treatments.  There were times when we didn’t think she would make it.  Times when I was doubled over in despair, watching my world crumble …

One of the sweetest reviews we have ever received…

From a Dragonfly Mom: “After 2 years of battling my son’s disease and feeling lost and alone, The Dragonfly Foundation has taken us under the wing. Already, we feel supported, refreshed, and our hearts revived. They have given my family something to look forward to, instead of constant dread. Thank you.”

A 7th Grader Wrote This… Even He Gets It!

Reprinted from a letter we received from a 7th grader at Nagle Middle School in Cincinnati, OH. (We immediately called the principal and the teacher — wish we could have called his parents, too — to thank them for giving the student the environment that helped him create such a letter.) Dear Christine and Ria, I am a seventh grader …

Inspirational songs

We have heard that many of these songs and more provide comfort to our families. If they can do this for them, they may provide comfort to you during stressful times.  Check out any or all of these!! “Overcomer” by Mandisa “Anyway” by Martina McBride “I’m Gonna Love You Through It” by Martina McBride “In My Daughters Eyes” by Martina …

New Diagnosis/Extended Stay Care Package

Clarivoyant? No, our Dragonfly families give us great advice!

From a newly registered Dragonfly Dad: “You knew what we needed before we did.” Have you read about our “Big Blue Bags”? They hold our New Diagnosis/Extended Stay Care Packages. Each bag contains about $140 worth of items: night lights, laundry bag and detergent (HE Free/Clear Pods), toothbrush, toothpaste, in-room meal cards, personal care items, office supplies… all the needs …

The Landing

A Review of The Dragonfly Foundation

Reprinted from April 3, 2014 “When my son became a Dragonfly, we were 2 years into his treatment of chemotherapy and high dose steroids. He is still in treatment. I don’t think my family would have had the strength to keep going had the Dragonfly Foundation not swooped in and lifted us up with encouragement, distractions, and support. …

Blue Dragonfly Photo

Cancer is a Word…

From the CarePages of one of our Dragonfly families (reprinted with permission): “To be honest I’m not sure I know the words to write… I’m not sure that any words can possess the heartache I feel… I should advise that if you are easily offended you should probably stop reading…this is not easy and as you know, my words are …

Treatment Photo

The dark side…

“If you could find the sickest kids in a hospital, who go through the most torturous treatment on the road to survival, they would be kids with cancer and blood diseases. Few understand what they and their families endure — and most don’t want to.” — Christine Neitzke, Dragonfly