Dragonfly Billboards Create Joy & Interest

The trauma that follows a cancer diagnosis doesn’t just occur in a hospital. It happens in small ways, every day — and everywhere. Imagine driving to the hospital or doctor’s office knowing that there are difficult procedures and treatments ahead for you or our child. Driving to an event in a car that is missing a loved one can also …

Growing After Cancer

“Perhaps, even here, I am growing.” –Morgan Harper Nichols– I read this today and it struck a chord within me. I’ve been struggling mentally, physically, and emotionally for the past few years – struggling to make sense of this new normal post-cancer. A normal that doesn’t make sense to me. People don’t like to talk about how hard life can …

“Laughter Is Good Medicine”

By Elaine Plummer, RN “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.” – Yiddish Proverb Like one of my very favorite Mary Poppins songs says:  “I love to laugh… loud and long and clear.”  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOMqqI-kzHY&list=RDpOMqqI-kzHY&start_radio=1&t=0)  Just thinking of that song makes me smile.  The joyous aspect of the song is more than just a familiar beloved catchy …

Your Time, Talents and Treasures Have Gone A Long Way

Dear Dragonfly Supporters, Thank you for another successful year serving the needs of families of pediatric cancer patients.  Your time, talent and treasure have gone a long way in easing the struggles associated with a challenging diagnosis.  It is my sincere hope that during this time, we will all share thoughts and prayers for those whose holidays and New Year …

Needed In The Midst of Difficult Days

“We were completely shocked and overwhelmed after Kenzie’s cancer diagnosis. The Dragonfly Foundation gave us things I would have never thought we needed (notebooks, pens, earplugs, laundry detergent, toothbrush, toothpaste, mints, and more). Dragonfly would also show up with supplies for the parent lounges, toys/gifts, tickets to movies and events, etc. They always made you feel special and made sure …


Make An Immediate, Profound, and Local Impact

After diagnosis, pediatric cancer patients and their families quietly suffer from emotional, relationship, and practical challenges that continue to affect them for years to come. For these families, there is The Dragonfly Foundation. Your donation and support will make an immediate, profound, and local impact by providing the best support systems. You can’t fight the biggest battle of your life …

Dragonfly Families Respond To Lincoln Video

**Lincoln Motor Company created/released a film about Dragonfly. Here are some of the responses we received to the film (Click here to see the film/behind the scenes info): “Let me applaud you for co-founding and shedding light on such an important issue for our cancer patients and families. Research is the cornerstone for progress with all facets of medicine – …

Video: Interview with Dr. Stella Davies & Red Carpet Screening of Lincoln Film

Last week, Lincoln Motor Company sponsored a special red carpet event for supporters of The Dragonfly Foundation. The event, held at Cinemark Theater in Oakley, OH, featured a screening of a film Lincoln created about Dragonfly for  its Driven To Give program. Dragonfly families, staff, supporters and board members gathered together to see the film in a movie theater! Dr. …

“Jayden’s Story”

Jayden was trick-or-treating one day at a Halloween gathering on October 30, 2013 and the next day, woke up not feeling well and rushed to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Jayden was 6 years old. We were told that he had a tumor on his right kidney, most definitely cancer and surgery was to happen immediately in order for him to beat …

Montgomery Women’s Club

The Montgomery Women’s Club presented Dragonfly with a check for $3,000 on Thursday, October 18th for their 4th Annual Passport to Fashion event. Passport to Fashion took place on May 12th at the Manor House and was a HUGE success! It was a day of fashion, basket raffles, silent auction, delicious food, and good fun all to benefit Dragonfly and …