John Burns, President, EncoreTechs Joined The Dragonfly Board: 2010 Question 1: Why Did You Want To Be On The Board of The Dragonfly Foundation: I wanted to help provide an escape for families dealing with the constant stress of caring for a child with cancer. Question 2: Why Is Dragonfly Worthy of Sponsorship? They are true to their mission. Everything …
Why Dragonfly? Answers from Our Board Member, Trish Elam
Trish Elam Joined The Dragonfly Board: 2013 Question 1: Why Did You Want To Be On The Board of The Dragonfly Foundation: I became a Dragonfly Board member to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and to help their families. Question 2: Why Is Dragonfly Worthy of Sponsorship? They provide vital support to families at time …