We Are Trailblazers

The public has been made very aware about the need to find “a cure” — and rightly so. With that said, we must remember to care and comfort patients and their families while we wait for a cure for every cancer to be found. It has been medically shown that a positive outlook can change medical outcomes. For children and young adults who have not had the opportunity to live their life to the fullest, we must be even more dedicated to providing smiles, caring distractions, and quality of life enhancements as they face the emotional, physical, and financial challenges of their illness, extended and isolating hospital stays, the trauma of treatment, and long-term recovery.

The Dragonfly Foundation is proud to celebrate 5 years of transformational programs that have made an immediate difference for the young patients, families and the hospitals we serve. To view information about our size and scope, or to learn more about how we enhance their quality of life, please view our 2014 Annual Report Snapshot or view the video below.

2014 Annual Report Snapshot