Terms of Use Policy, Including Logo, Trademarks, Usage and Licensing

This policy must be referred to in every instance where our messaging or federally protected trademarks will be used, internally or externally.

All promotional advertising, publications, and media inquiries/interviews must be approved in advance and coordinated through The Dragonfly Foundation.


The Dragonfly Foundation currently maintains trademarks for the following:

  • The Dragonfly Foundation’s® logo and organization name
  • “I Am Still Me”®

These trademarks are federally protected.

The Licensing Agreement
The Dragonfly Foundation must protect its brand. To this end, we require that a Licensing Agreement be made in situations where people or organizations outside of the Foundation wish to use our brand, image or name for fundraising or promotional purposes. It is imperative that use of our logo follows our Terms of Use Policy. Any product that will be produced, printed, distributed or published (online or in print) with our logo or name must be approved in advance. The documents or pdf files can be sent to The Dragonfly Foundation at [email protected].

The Dragonfly Foundation reserves the right to approve and edit any document that uses its name or logo.