Dragonfly Foundation

“before we even knew we needed them”

“I remember getting ours. It was during our first inpatient stay and we had only found out a few days before what was really wrong with (my son). I was lost in a whirlwind of paperwork, meetings with doctors, and trying to remember how to breathe while I put on a brave face for him. The door opened for what felt like the millionth time that day and our social worker came in carrying a blue bag. I couldn’t see the logo on it but I remember thinking, ‘What do I need to do now?’ After the social worker finished and left I remember going through the bag and realizing I had none of the things I needed to take care of myself and that it hadn’t even really crossed my mind yet. I cried over a toothbrush because I knew, somewhere out there, someone cared. I couldn’t imagine then how much the families and staff of The Dragonfly Foundation would come to mean to our family, but they were there for us before we even knew we needed them. That was the first time after hearing the words “your son has cancer” that I had felt any real hope. The toiletries, laundry supplies, and books were a relief but the hope that came in that little blue bag was the most precious gift I could have received.”

— A Dragonfly Mom