Dragonfly Cartoon

We are a community, a family, unlike any other

On a recent news story, there was a report of an elderly man in Texas undergoing cancer treatment. Before his diagnosis, he took his dogs for a walk every day, but because of the exhaustion he felt from chemotherapy, he couldn’t walk very far. Seeing his struggle, more than twenty of his neighbors placed lawn chairs in their front yards so that he could walk for a bit and then sit and rest, walk awhile longer, and then rest again.

Imagine his delight in seeing how his neighbors, friends and strangers, rallied around him to remind him that he was not alone. Similar to the elderly man, every individual in a Dragonfly Family needs their moments of rest and refuge.

The Dragonfly Foundation is one big happy family of supporters, volunteers, and family members who have come together to set out “chairs” for one another. These chairs come in the form of emotional support from safe events to attend (where efforts are made to protect patient health), and even bumper stickers seen around town. While they may not stand out to the average eye, all of these offer much-needed support for children and young adults (and their siblings/offspring and caregivers) to regain their strength before the next part of the journey.

For those registered with Dragonfly, no one walks alone. For each, there is always a chair in sight.