“Who knew we would be a part of such a foundation as The Dragonfly Foundation but we are it’s reality for us. It’s a place you don’t want to be but a place your blessed to have found — that’s our Dragonfly quote we say this all the time to people.
When Y was in treatment she received gifts in the hospital and in the mail and so did (her brother) as well. They got to meet so many celebrities like Joey Votto — never will forget that day. Y was in the day hospital receiving platelets and blood transfusions and they told her Joey Votto was coming today and she wanted to hurry and finish so she can meet him. There was a delay in her platelets being sent over so she was going to miss out on meeting him. Y finished a while after Joey Votto was done with our kids and already started with the other kids. But Dragonfly was still there with him and they had Child Life come and grab Y and off we went flying through the halls it was so exciting.
That’s the time Joey hurt his knee but do you know he kneeled down next to Y in her wheelchair to take a picture and signed a autograph ball for her. The meaning of all this is (Dragonfly) waited for for Y until she finished just to put a smile on her face. that’s what the Dragonfly foundation does everyday for our kids. This is how Y got through treatment days like this looking forward to surprises like this.
Her favorite was receiving art supplies and books and going to an event. Please donate to The Dragonfly Foundation, I promise the feeling you’ll get by doing so will change you forever. If anything Please Share !!!!!!”
— Dragonfly Caregiver