Take your best shot and show us what you’ve got on the court! Have fun taking creative basketball shots, record it, post it on social media and make a donation to The Dragonfly Foundation to help provide first-class support services and transformative experiences to children fighting cancer. Then challenge your friends, co-workers, and family to either make a donation or tape themselves making a trick shot on the court too! To make a donation click here or text BASKETBALL21 to 41444. And make sure to use the hashtag #TrickShotDragonfly when you post it on social media so we can find your video and possibly feature it on our social media!
Let’s make this challenge go viral on social media for Dragonfly and help the pediatric cancer patients and families served by The Dragonfly Foundation! We’d also like to see your best trick shot! Post your videos on social media and tag The Dragonfly Foundation | Facebook or The Dragonfly Foundation on Twitter @DragonflyCinci . And encourage your friends, colleagues, and family members to make a donation to The Dragonfly Foundation!