Drew was diagnosed on Nov 9 of 2019. The most terrifying day of our families life. Our lives were stripped out from under us. We had to put our lives on hold. Life was going to be shut down for us because Drew was immunocompromised now and would be for the next three years. Tears were shed, and depression set in for some of us. Then our dear friend Ali & Carrie came into our lives. The ladies work for a foundation called Dragonfly. They help cancer kids have a normal life. Having The Dragonfly Foundation enter our lives helped heal my heart. Dragonfly allowed my family to have family outings still at The Heritage Center.
There is a special sponsor who Sponsors a suite there. It allows immunocompromised kids and their families to be together and enjoy activities outside of the house or hospital. Our family is so thankful for that. Drew is a huge hockey fan. So our family attends cyclone games often. Drew is now nine months into treatment. He has done well with everything. COVID didn’t affect us much because we were already social distancing, bleaching everything, and wearing a mask.