“Today cancer rattled my family for the second time in four short years. My younger sister, E, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I myself battled osteosarcoma in 2010-2011. I want to run away with her, away from cancer and all the ugliness it brings. I want to protect her from all the needle sticks, bouts of puking, unimaginable tiredness and pain. I want to wrap her up in my arms and make the cancer melt away. I want to save my parents from having to watch yet another child battle this beast. I want to save them from all the “what ifs” and “what nows” that seem to chase your every thought. I know that none of this is possible. My faith in God and his plan will have to be enough to carry my family through the fire…. and a little thing called Dragonfly. Please take a moment today to say a quick prayer or send good vibe our way. Cancer has no idea who its messing with…”
— From a Dragonfly Patient/older sister of a new Dragonfly